Publications - including published articles, conference paper and book review
Pages in this menu are:-
• Essay on the rationale behind building the 21C drop slab hut, March 2022.
• Conference paper by Gib Wettenhall on biorich design principles and silviculture implemented over the first four years at ImLal – delivered to the Australian Forest Growers national biennial conference held in Lismore NSW in October 2014
• Conference paper on analogue forestry by Gib Wettenhall and Ian Penna delivered to the Australian Forest Growers national biennial conference held in Gympie, SEQ in October 2012
• Review of Recreating the Country, the book authored by Steve Murphy and published by BRT that contains full details of the reveg design principles that have been applied on the ImLal biorich site. Also included on this page is the Blueprint for Sustainability Assessment from the book and Steve's original Sustainability Index for assessing the long term health and potential of a revegetation planting
• Produced by AFG and She Oaks films in June 2014, Rediscovering the Country documents the importance of community collaboration in transforming rural landscapes through revegetation for environmental and economic benefits. The film presents some of the revegetation projects being conducted in south-east Australia and the regenerative agriculture/analog forestry activities in Sri Lanka. The 33 minute documentary is available as a free download
• Presentations made as part of a field day at the ImLal site in June 2011.
Background docs:-
The attached article by Ian Penna provides background on the ImLal biorich site. It was published in the Australasian Plant Conservation magazine in November 2012 – to download a pdf, click here
Ian Penna and Gib Wettenhall have written another background paper on the ImLal biorich project, which appeared in the Victorian Landcare magazine in April 2013 – to download a pdf, click here.
A number of articles on the ImLal biorich site have been published in the Australian Forest Grower, a national quarterly magazine published by the AFG. Attached is an article about analogue forestry in action in Sri Lanka – to download a pdf, click here.
• Essay on the rationale behind building the 21C drop slab hut, March 2022.
• Conference paper by Gib Wettenhall on biorich design principles and silviculture implemented over the first four years at ImLal – delivered to the Australian Forest Growers national biennial conference held in Lismore NSW in October 2014
• Conference paper on analogue forestry by Gib Wettenhall and Ian Penna delivered to the Australian Forest Growers national biennial conference held in Gympie, SEQ in October 2012
• Review of Recreating the Country, the book authored by Steve Murphy and published by BRT that contains full details of the reveg design principles that have been applied on the ImLal biorich site. Also included on this page is the Blueprint for Sustainability Assessment from the book and Steve's original Sustainability Index for assessing the long term health and potential of a revegetation planting
• Produced by AFG and She Oaks films in June 2014, Rediscovering the Country documents the importance of community collaboration in transforming rural landscapes through revegetation for environmental and economic benefits. The film presents some of the revegetation projects being conducted in south-east Australia and the regenerative agriculture/analog forestry activities in Sri Lanka. The 33 minute documentary is available as a free download
• Presentations made as part of a field day at the ImLal site in June 2011.
Background docs:-
The attached article by Ian Penna provides background on the ImLal biorich site. It was published in the Australasian Plant Conservation magazine in November 2012 – to download a pdf, click here
Ian Penna and Gib Wettenhall have written another background paper on the ImLal biorich project, which appeared in the Victorian Landcare magazine in April 2013 – to download a pdf, click here.
A number of articles on the ImLal biorich site have been published in the Australian Forest Grower, a national quarterly magazine published by the AFG. Attached is an article about analogue forestry in action in Sri Lanka – to download a pdf, click here.