A dozen of us worked for for a couple of hours on a cloudy morning, followed by a latish lunch in the drop slab hut clearing. As dessert, we listened to Steve Murphy talk about his biorich design principles and new book.
Field Day activities included:
- Banksia seed orchard planting – we had about 100 tubestock from local provenances to plant and guard under the guidance of Roger MacRaild. Plant crew included Jodie Goldring, Gayl Morrow and Steve & Lina Murphy. Planting in the clay next to the dam has not proven a success.
- Plant ID signage repaired and new ones added – Roger with Steve's help found where the tree violets were. We found a koala up what was supposedly a yellow gum
- Checking nest boxes for spring action – Roger used a camera to peer into boxes. No-one home, but evidence of occupation
- Oiling of drop slab hut – Susan Meyer set to with tung oil to refresh the exterior
- Thinning dense tree clumps of silver wattle invading casuarina and swamp gum overwhelming shrub growth – led by Lachie Park, with Barry Dimond and Gib
- Slashing of gorse and spraying on either side of the track around the west side of the dam in order to keep the bird survey transect open – Gary Featherston took this on
- Barbecue lunch, with talk by ecologist Steve Murphy about his biorich design principles – Moorabool Shire councillor, Moira Berry arrived just before lunch as did the 'Gorsinator' Gavin Shell, who handed out business cards spruiking his business extracting gorse.